Friday, June 8, 2007

My child has ADHD does yours?

The morning was very hectic as usual. Yet I managed to compose myself before entering the room. Glancing at the clock, I had made it on time.
There I was in the midst of this group of experts. I soon became nervous
This meeting was to discuss why they felt he had Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
My little man, my very active second grader. Active, NOT hyperactive!
My head began reeling, trying to grasp everything. There must be a mistake.
The psychiatrist gave this example, "as we have sat here, having this conversation, your son would be drawn to the clock, the ticking, rather than the discussion." I thought to myself, he's seven years old, of course he will be distracted.
Their final analysis,,,,medicine.
That was nine years ago. And it's been a very, very long nine years. Doctors, Therapists, different medicines, arguments with family, treatment. Hours spent on homework. My son tapping the top of his head, "don't you get it, it's just not there." That broke my heart. It is there,,,,,it is there. Always exhausted by day's end, only to realize it would be the pattern of our lives.
What causes ADD/ADHD? What could I do to break this cycle. Learn more, I had to become better informed. Looking back, I, like most parents did what our Doctor's recommended, medicine,,,,,medicine,,,,and more medicine.
After much research, I have found alternative ways of treating his ADHD. But I must add, through my studies, each child, person, is different. Although some causes seem certain, such as genetic predisposition, different brain chemistry, different brain structure. Other causes, and factors, conditions of pregnancy and birth, television viewing, attachment problems, are still being investigated.
Let me show a few things I've discovered, and how it has made a tremendous difference,
Resource Review, will teach you things that will save you years of struggle
In closing, did you know that many highly intelligent, creative people, have ADD/ADHD? These gifted people were typically not well rounded, or shall we even say "normal" people during their school years,,,,,,we have hope. Let me just do a little name dropping,,,,,,Beethoven, Jim Carrey, Albert Einstein, Tom Cruise, Danny Glover, Terry Bradshaw, "Magic" Johnson, Babe Ruth, F.W. Woolworth, Bill Cosby,
"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease." Thomas Edison,,,,,,also on the list
Resource Review